
Free at last. Free at last.

Thank God almighty. We are free at last!


Free at last. Free at last.

Thank God almighty.

We are free at last!

Sign the Petition

Help Us Bring Reparations Into Fruition

If you are one of the millions of African-Americans who believe in and want Reparations from the United States of America, then you need to sign the petition.


Reparations Are Owed to You

You could be eligible for money owed to you by the United States government. The amount of money depends on your eligibility. This money is not based on stimulus or economic relief, but is a debt owed. 



TRTR has many promotional items that help get the message out and keep Reparations on our minds until we achieve our victory.


Martin L. King

Gold plated, self insulated, 24 ounces,  lid included

Bob Marley

Gold plated, self insulated, 24 ounces,  lid included

Malcolm X

Gold plated, self insulated, 24 ounces,  lid included

The Road to Reparations

Reparations Are Owed to Freed African Slaves

Before we can ask for Reparations we need to be sure what Reparations are. What are reparations? The word reparations comes from the Latin word reparare which means “to make ready again.”

Get Informed

The Path to Reparations Is a Long Road to Travel. Stay Hydrated With Our Blog.

Reparations: Bad Timing

I know, the timing to bring up Reparations is bad. Some Blacks say, “Why can’t we just move forward? Here you come messing things up for everyone with stuff that ain’t going to happen anyway.” Many said the same thing about there ever being a Black President of…

I Have A New Dream!

Fifty-nine years later, despite the freedoms, successes and milestones achieved and enjoyed by certain African-Americans, the “Dream” of Dr. King is still under the somnolence of a people who have been robbed of the essence… 

Are You Truly Interested In Reparations?

If you believe that this nation, our country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, owes REPARATIONS to you and your ancestors, then you had better do something about this debt owed and not allow the government to rob and deprive you of your just due…

Claim what's owed to you.

