About Us

Our mission is to get Reparations today, not tomorrow or next year, but right now!


The Road to Reparations

Reparations are monetary compensations paid to the African slaves that were freed after the Civil War and at the end of slavery in the United States of America. Reparations were promised and ordered to be paid in the form of 40 acres of land and a mule to each of the slaves that were set free.

Since 1865, 157 years ago as of 2022, no Reparations have been paid by the US government. Reparations are owed, and this is why The Road To Reparations was created. 

America Must Take Accountability

The murderers of our ancestors got nothing done to them for all of the crimes they committed against Black people.

The cruelty, discrimination, murder, rape, torture, lynching, dismemberment, maiming, and denial of civil and human rights Blacks had to endure to be treated as citizens of America is unparalleled in the history of human existence. For all that America has done to its Black citizens, Reparations are owed.

OJ Simpson got a 33-year sentence for doing a lot less. Michael Vick got sentenced for killing dogs, yet the murderers of our forefathers were not punished for the crimes they committed against our and all Black people. 

America only held the Japanese captive from 1942-1945, ending the internment camps and relocation order in 1946. The government paid Reparations to the Japanese Americans.

America detained Hispanic women, children and families at its borders, forcing some to be caged like animals. This only lasted for months up to a year at a time until they could be reunited and deported. The US government considers paying $450,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 to these illegal immigrants who committed a crime by entering the US without a passport or visa.

America annihilated and decimated the native tribes of America, almost to the point of extinction and erasure from American presence, forcing them to be relocated to reservations and away from the planned development and industrialization of the nation. The natives got land and money and still have power to this date as they have their own nation and governance within the lands of the USA. They own hotels and casinos and other businesses that allow them to make money while still getting stipends from the US government for the crimes against and the murder of their people.

Claim what's owed to you.

