Are You Truly Interested in Reparations?

man, thinking, doubt-5723449.jpg

If you truly are interested in REPARATIONS and believe they are real and owed to the descendants of African slaves brought to America by force and deception; held captive and forced to work without pay for almost 400 years; had all of their ideas and inventions stolen from them; deprived of human and civil and citizen’s rights; beaten, tortured, raped, hanged, burned and buried alive, dismembered, dragged, whipped, lynched, stabbed, shot, tarred and feathered, sodomized and homosexualized; denied the right to own property, to read, to have education, to have and to earn money, to raise families, and to practice their original religion or faith or belief; and forced to accept everything white as right and everything black as wrong or inferior or ugly; and then set free after having fought in battle along side the same slave master that treated and labeled them as less than 100% human; then the torture and abuse recycled upon them as “freed” men, women and children to the point where racism is still built into the fabric and systems of this nation that claims to be one “under god, with liberty and justice for all”.

If you believe that this nation, our country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, owes REPARATIONS to you and your ancestors, then you had better do something about this debt owed and not allow the government and all of its cast of characters to deprive and rob you of what is your just due. This includes those Blacks who want to be part of the White man’s world so bad that they will sell their souls for individual achievements and success and leave the rest of us in the same or worse situation prior to them being allowed into the House and no longer part of the Field. Even with the claim that things take time and that we have to work the system from within and be patient, the average American usually enters into a debt for mortgage for a period of 30 years. REPARATIONS have been promised for more than 157 years, as of 2022, and the debt has still not been paid.   Even if we take the amount of taxes that the working Blacks have contributed to America, along with all of the savings, retirement and/or investment accounts owned by Blacks that are US citizens, we would have generated enough money for the United States of America to pay its REPARATIONS debt to the descendants of its mistreated, African slaves that were set free and promised REPARATIONS in 1865.

If you believe that it is time to stop playing around with and disrespecting the lives and deaths of our ancestors and all of the sacrifices we have made in order to get along peacefully with this White, torturous and evil system of segregation, degradation, anti-integration, anti-salvation, anti-emancipation, anti-education, decimation, pro-consternation, devastation, castration, annihilation and deprivation of the Black, Negro, African-American, then you have to be more dedicated and serious about getting your money as he/she/they are dedicated and serious about you not getting your money. If they were serious and took your seriously they would have paid you your money by now; they pay everyone else or at least make payments or trade or come to some agreement to pay their debts. But not you! Not us! Ours is not even on the agenda of debts to be paid by the United States of America, even with all of these elected and appointed Negroes and with all of the athletes and entertainers making millions and billions of dollars within and outside of America. Even after having a President and a Vice-President that are of the Negro persuasion in the highest offices within the United States government the order of REPARATIONS has not been filled or paid to those who REPARATIONS were promised to.

Sitting back and waiting is not the answer! We have been waiting for almost 8 generations and nothing has been done. In fact, most children of the new generations don’t even know REPARATIONS are due or know anything about chattel slavery in America unless it is shown in a movie. As they try to breed us out of REPARATIONS and make it a mute or forgotten subject, we sit back and aid them in their quest and tell those who are fighting to get REPARATIONS to “let it go and just move on.” Billions of dollars are owed to us and we are supposed to just let it go and just move on? We won’t even allow our family or friends to get away with owing us $200 or less and when the White man owes us billions we are supposed to just let it go? If you owed the government money it would surely not “let it go and just move on”; you would pay interest and penalties on the owed money. So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right? So the United States government owes penalties and interest spanning 156 years now and counting on the original money that was owed to our ancestors, and it is time for us to collect our debt and not permit this ugliness, theft, embezzlement, denial of rights, disrespect, failure to pay, and outright evil intention to go unaddressed and go without consequence.

Not all Negroes were in the field; some Negroes were privileged to be in the house. Thus, it is not expected that a successful Negro will even join or support this righteous call to justice. No one wants to make waves in still waters! So despite the fact that almost 100% of the Africans brought to America came on slave ships and not on freight and ocean liners, and that all Blacks were treated as slaves and inferior beings until the master got a chance to separate the smart and intelligent ones from the not so smart ones, the modern-day Negro has been confused as to his and her position within America and the historical facts of how the negroes got here. We were purposefully divided and put against each other in many ways, including age and color differences. So we do not expect all Negroes to join and support the cause or even signing our demand letter for REPARATIONS, but we are fighting for REPARATIONS for all who are entitled to them.

If you want to fight for what’s right like you love to fight against your human family over simple things like fashion, beauty, material possessions, educational achievements, sports, entertainment, gang rivalry, alma mater rivalry, fraternity and sorority rivalry, state and neighborhood rivalry, etc., then you need to focus that same ire, hatred and energy toward the fact that America owes you money and has owed it to your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents, and so on and so on, for more than 157 years, and is telling you like it told them to FU*# OFF Nigger! Know your place!

Join the evolution and revolution of REPARATIONS NOW! Put your mark on the map and your feet on The Road To Reparations. It takes money to fight legal battles, my brothers and sisters. We know that we have been conditioned to want and expect most things for free, but they even have 99cents, Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores that we frequent because of the prices. What is the price you are willing to pay in order to get your REPARATIONS confirmed, calculated, unlocked, unleashed and paid and flowing into your bank account? We are only asking each and every signatory to pay $.99 (ninety-nine cents) toward the cause so that our legal team can properly and legally represent each and every signatory and come back with a positive and agreed upon plan and decision to pay the 157 year-old debt. $.99 from each signatory will generate enough money for our lobbyists and legal team to stay in the ears, in the eyes, in the faces, on the social media platforms, in the email boxes, and everywhere they need to be in order to represent with vigor and unyielding determination the descendants of African slaves who were promised REPARATIONS by the United States government.

If you do not sign the demand letter, then your name will not be included in the order for REPARATIONS to be paid as you yourself have willfully bowed out or abstained from the fight and demand. You cannot get REPARATIONS by yourself! Many have tried and have failed. We will not fail and we will not stop and we will not let America off the hook! With the world not captured in devices and on screens, we will take our case before the world, just like we took the case of George Floyd before the world and had the world to respond. We will be victorious and we will return from our closed session discussion with a plan to effectively and harmoniously honor and pay, unlock, unleash and roll out REPARATIONS payments to those who qualify for and are due REPARATIONS NOW.   
