Repairing the Psyche of African-Americans

Top view on letter board with words WHO AM I through eyeglasses. psychological self-regulation

The Road To Reparations begins with repairing the psyche of the African-American man, woman and child. 400 years plus is a long time to be under the spell of a hateful and disrespectful captor and then expect to be released with any degree of self-worth, dignity, respect, intelligence, or opportunity to truly be free. If we look at all of the filth and trash that have been dumped upon our entire selves as human beings, it is understandable why our race has been and still remains at the bottom of the evolutionary chain within the United States of America. It Is not our fault to be in our condition but it is our fault to remain in it once we are given the opportunity to leave it, evolve into something new and then return to our original selves and nature as prescribed and designed by Our Creator.

The Road To Reparation begins with first getting rid of the need to be the lowest of the low i.e., to aim and strive for the gutter and to be satisfied with having the stench and trellises of gutter life as norms within our selves, our homes, our schools, and our society as a race of people. For the world to expect us to be ignorant, poverty-stricken, welfare-glorified, lazy and shiftless thieves, thugs, drug dealers, pimps, whores, strippers and prostitutes; for the world to see us as those who seek and are satisfied with slave diets, obesity, promiscuity, self-murder and single parenthood; to see us relish in profanity, alcoholism, drug use, abuse and addiction, and dehumanization; and for the entire world to know us as Niggahs or Niggers to the point that we use these terms to describe ourselves and wear these identities as badges of honor; all of these make us disgraceful and a throwaway people on the world stage. Anyone can come to America, sleep with our men and women, exploit our communities, bypass us on the totem pole of American citizenship and accomplishments, and do unto us whatever they please and even get away with murdering, raping and robbing, and deny us human and civil rights, in addition to other crimes, and no one goes to jail or has to pay for the consequences of their actions against us. Of course there are exceptions to the norm, but on the whole, we are the gutter, Black people, Nigghas, the people of darkness.

When we strive for and look forward welfare, EBT or food stamps, general relief, government assistance, government checks, government housing, TANF, WIC, Section 8, HUD, freebies and discounts, and even stealing if we have to in order to survive, then we are and shall remain at the bottom of the poll of expected growth and accomplishments in the land of the free. When we teach our women to gap their unmarried lags to any dick or tongue that passes by, and when we teach our men to be dogs that hump anything that moves, with or without legs, then how can we expect anyone to have respect for us or value our lives when we have no shame and we do not even value our own lives within the realm of the value GOD places on human life? When we curse at our kids and babies and guide them into human indecency and gutter living, how can we expect to ever get out of this condition when we perpetuate it by our own actions and we seal the fate and future of our offspring with disgust and disgrace? When the entire world can come to any ghetto and expect to find us there, living is squalor and filth, even with fancy cars and clothes and “bling-bling” but without the elements of human evolution anywhere in sight, how can we demand anything from any government or people of any nation? If we want change then we must be the first to change.

Again, it is not our fault! Our captors had 400 plus years to instill this destructive behavior, mindset and spirit into our DNA and to have it pass down to our children consciously and subliminally, and then establish a societal order and norm that guarantees to direct us in certain aspects of low life where we will find solace and then accept our conditions and then make a home out of the chittlins (chitterlings) they leave for us to devour with pride. Just the smell of the fecal matter should repulse us but instead we have turned shit into a meal and we brand ourselves in waste and disgust and not even the Church and the Bible can pry the low-level flesh and guts out of our hands. IF any of us believe that this is our nature and norm, that our ancestors came to America with these behavior patterns, diets, inabilities and disabilities, then we have a very low idea and history of ourselves. However if we know these are survival tools of a slave, then as freed men and women we should reject all low-level accommodations and strive for the best and the highest achievements, not as individuals but as a people and race.

To be Black and proud and to say it loud is another slave mindedness that we must get rid of. We cannot be the only people on the planet that uses color to identify their selves. Black represents an absence of light, darkness, void space, and it has been used to negatively describe many things in our modern world, like Black Book, Black Ball, Black Market, Black Friday, Black Sunday, Dark Clouds, Black and Bottomless Pit, Black Sheep, etc.  Black is dim, dark, obscure, murky, gloomy, shadowy, etc. So for us to be tricked into accepting the color as an identity instead of a human characteristic or national identity, we spent another half a century or more sealing our fate and allowing the world to see us a Black people instead of who we truly are. “The first Black this and that” is how they describe us when we accomplish things of greatness or we escape the norm or we set records. They have set the stage for us to be failures and so when we escape failure and achieve greatness beyond their set standards for us, they broadcast us as the first Blacks to do so. Likewise, when they come into our gutter world, they too become the first Whites to achieve what Blacks are customarily expected to do, such as the first White to beat blacks in sprints and jumps, or the first Whites to break dance, dunk basketballs, rap, sing the blues, or play contemporary jazz and R&B, etc.

Accepting handouts and hands up must also be abolished! Affirmative action means that we affirm that we are inferior and need help from the same people who put us in the bottom of the barrel in the first place. We are superior creatures! They need the hands up and handouts, not us! They brought us to America because they could not build an empire without us, so they were the welfare recipients, not us! They needed us, but we did not need them! Now we act as if we cannot do anything without them or build anything without them, or make plans or go anywhere without them and their seals or approvals. They have us trained! We need licenses, permits and degrees or certificates for everything from birth to marriage to driving to death to banking and to education. We cannot know or be anything unless we brand ourselves with one of their labels or degrees. While they pay money for their children to graduate with degrees, we have to fight for the right to even get accepted into one of their institutions and then work our tales off or ball ourselves into crazy athleticism and drug and alcohol addiction in order to make it in their world. We tell ourselves and our children that we have to be twice as smart and work twice as hard as the White person in order just to have a fair shot at success in his and her world. As long as we strive to be White and accepted as and by Whites, we will always be slaves and 3/5 human, and never be equal, no matter how much money or how many degrees we get. Without their permission and seals or brands, we are nothing but a bunch of Niggahs that are still coming off the slave ship and landing on the plantation with hopes to be selected by one of the owners and masters so we can be taken care of with paychecks, positions, raises, and hopes for advancement.

Again, it is not our fault! However, difficult it may be to swallow the truth, we have condemned ourselves to this perpetual cycle by accepting all of the brands and systems that keep us enslaved and then brandishing them in front of our children so that they can take their eyes off the truth and follow us into the lives about what it takes to be successful in this world. When all it takes is one encounter with a White cop to make any successful or unsuccessful Black realize his or her true place on the plantation, and to hope that he and she can walk away from the encounter alive, this is a failsafe that is legal and acceptable and it surely keeps us in place so we will never forget.

The church, mosque, temple, ashram, etc. give us hope in the spiritual world, however even there, for most of us, it is dominated by White gods, sons of god, and White prophets and angels. Wherever there is authority, the image of White is there to represent it and dominate it. Wherever there is hope, there is a White person there to open arms to provide it. Wherever there is war, there is a White person there to enlist us and command us. Wherever there is riches and prosperity, there is a White person there to represent it. As we fail to produce our own world within the White dominated world and create our own images of success, not imaginary but real success and real superheroes, we will feed our progeny into a White dominated world wherein they will only believe that being successful can come strictly and exclusively from being favorable and acceptable to White people. Every article of clothing, hair, beauty, jewelry, food, drink, enjoyment, etc. comes at some point from the hands of the Whites, Imported or manufactured, the White people have a hand in the materials, tools, equipment, shipping, customs, etc. and if not, they have the permission slips and licenses issued to us that legitimize us in their world. You can see Mexicans selling all sorts of things in the streets and at freeway exits without any licenses or permits, but let a Black do the same thing and see how the tables turn.

So the leaders, the Black leaders, cannot help but lead us into Blackness and darkness as long as they consider themselves and us to be Black people. They do not even realize that they are working for the White man by keeping us as a crayon in the box of colors instead of evolving us into the national and international identity that the rest of the world has. There is not Black anything represented at the United Nations or World Court, yet we still hang onto the color as our representation. The Black Church, Black Caucus, Black this and Black that; you don’t ever see or hear there being a Yellow or Brown or Red or even White first of anything in the world. People are Chinese, Japanese, Arab, Iranian, Iraqi, Afghani, Persian, Moroccan, Kenyan, South African, French, German, Mexican, Colombian, Australian, Swedish, Turkish, Indian, Pakistani, Congolese, Angolan, Nigerian, Algerian, Egyptian, Palestinian, Fijian, Filipino, Samoan, Tongan, Hawaiian, Alaskan, Canadian, Burmese, etc. but they are not identified on the world stage as a color. We are the only ones in the world that have been colored and of that color we chose to accept Negro or Black as our permanent identity. Get rid of the “N” word? Then we must get rid of the color altogether. They even want to replace the White Jesus with a Black one just to appease the Negro mentality and spirit; and then here comes Santa Claus and Negroes actually dress up as White figures and parade around in this foolishness; Dracula, vampires, witches, warlocks, werewolves, ghouls and goblins, and even White ghosts; whatever they give us as a form of escape, we jump at the chance and opportunity. Now they will let us do all of this foolishness but as soon as we try to wake up and leave the plantation, they kill us, threaten us, terrorize us, take away our privileges, make us make bricks without straw, and dehumanize us in their media.

We are orphans in America. They allow us to run around their plantation and we never stop to ever look for our mothers and fathers. We know we don’t belong to this family and we look and behave nothing like them, and we are mistreated and disrespected but we stay on the plantation just like an orphan and foster child and get use to the abuse and then eventually accept it as the way of life for us. Nothing has changed! They’ve only increased the allowances and have made the lands for us to roam greater as they hunt us down and bring our runners back to the plantation in chains. The disgust for our identity has not changed either! Look at the fashion and beauty industries and see our men and women parade around on this huge plantation as White women; that’s right, including the men! Our men are trying to compete with White women just like our Black women because they cannot compete with the White man, so they become White women as Black men and Black women and both cannot wait to sleep with and have sex with one. Our men wear White women’s panties and earring, eyeliner and make up, and act like a bunch of emotionally charged White women with estrogen. They are not acting like White men but White women. They actually saw this coming and allowed it to happen but forgot the game and how it was played. The Blacks got so caught up in images and beliefs of freedom that they forgot they were still on the plantation and that the White man not only allowed, but commanded his White woman to get in bed and into the emotions of the Blacks as an added layer of distancing themselves from the Negroes. That White woman defiled both the Black man and Black woman and mad both of them turn her into the goddess and trophy and mark of achievement. This isn’t a joke! This is factual history and is happening right now! Black athletes are swarmed in colleges and in high schools by White girls who want a piece of that Black skin and some of that Black sperm. The White boys live the tightness of that Black vagina and creep into the ghettoes to get some blackberry juice. The White woman taught both how to have deviant sex and prepared the way for the slavemaster to come back onto the plantation and have his pick of the male and female litter. Homosexuality for Black men and women all started with open relationships with White women. Any woman that will sleep with a dog or donkey or horse or gorilla cannot be that much of a catch, but you cannot dissuade the entire world from making her the princess and queen. She is Barbie, top of the food chain and she has been pictured in all of the portraits as a godly woman, an angel, and as the mother of god. Now who can top that?  

Black women are not taking care of their hair and spending hundreds to thousands of dollars growing African hair, instead they are buying long, stringy hair with split ends and sewing it, gluing it, or doing something with it, placing on top of whatever God has blessed them with in order to mask their true identity and their shame for not having been born White. Meanwhile their Black counterparts, the males are taking White girls as trophies as if Black men are all King Kong and they are winning the highest prize in creation. Where is the KKK when you need them?

As usual, we always get the history lessons of how we are, what we are, how we got where we are, but seldom do we get solutions to our problems. Meanwhile, our archenemies continue to execute and their implement plans against us, and they are surely the winners. So what is the solution? There is not a single one that makes sense. It took 400 plus years to get us as jacked up and disenfranchised as we are and it will take twice as ling to get us out of this quagmire of doom and destruction. The systems must be changed! The Church and all of the systems that perpetuate our enslavement to White images and White power and White rule and White superiority have to be taken down and changed, not to Black re-placements, but to neutral representations of true freedom and liberty with justice for all. All of the inhibitions and prohibitions and hidden traps of deception and delusion must be taken out of all of these systems that were placed in our lives by our White captors. We did not ask to be Christians or to have churches or to read Bibles, but someone made this the only message we were to receive and made all other messages and ways unappealing and frightful to us so we would always remain strung and tied to the cross and we would look forward to the death of god in order for us to have a chance at life among White people. So we bear and wear the cross with pride and we showcase our White lord and god with pride and without prejudice and we actually believe with all of our heart and soul that this is our god and lord and savior. Yet look at us as a people and see where the salvation or evidence of Jesus The Christ exists within our solidarity and combined race of people. Only the hymns and shouting can even produce a glimmer or real Christ likeness while all the other features of our community point to some other lord and god as our guide. All the guns and bullets, bongs and blunts, bitches and hoes, Niggahs and hustlers, players and gangbangers, prison monkeys, empty bottles, and filled clubs are not evidence of Christ being anywhere in our lives, and the rate at which we physically and socially kill each other and go to war with one another, only point to how far away fro Jesus and Mary we truly are.

In order to change the exterior and resounding sound system that emits consistent messages of subjugation and enslavement and self-destruction, we must first change the appetite for the messages. We cannot claim to want leave Babylon and Sodom Gomorrah but always bring one of the false gods with us on our exodus or spend all of our time looking back as if salt is not already killing us with hypertension. We have to see wrong as wrong and bad as bad and leave them alone, all of them! We cannot do this over night, but little by little we need to eliminate these landmines from our culture and lives so we can see clearly and begin to head in the direction of the Promised Land. We made the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. become our ultimate goal, and once we were able to have little black and white boys and girls going to school and playing with one another, and have grown Black and White men and women fellowshipping with one another, we stopped making progress because we believed that this was the Promised Land and the ultimate achievement. Unfortunately it only made us weak, misguided and worse than what we were prior to desegregation. As we abandoned the segregated system and fell for integration, we lost our value and worth of self and turned all of our attention on the White acquisitions by any means necessary. We gave all of our wealth to White vendors and merchants and made all of our hopes and dreams White as we left a trail of soot in the Black communities and forced our own people to close up shop and join the Romans in Rome. Trying to backpedal out of this mess is more difficult than one can imagine.

In order to cure the addict, we need detoxification. Since the entire system of White supremacy, preference and superiority is flowing through our veins, our psyches, our minds, our hearts, our spirits, and even our imaginations, we need a transfusion from the direct source of life that is independent of color or race but gives genuineness to the original creation. No, not Jesus! As long as Black people see Jesus as White and call him by a Spanish name and not by his Hebrew or Aramaic name, Black people will remain slaves to White people and their system or eternal rule. We need The Real Creator who created Jesus and Mary and the heavens and Earth to come into our lives and to remove the blinders and false eyeglasses from our vision so we can see clearly and then so we can walk properly and in the right direction that leads to true liberty and freedom. We all need to recognize who and what we are and how and where we are and make the declarations just like the Alcoholics Anonymous, “Hello, my name is Tyrone and I’m a lost Negro. I’ve been a Negro all of my live and I am ready for change. I am not perfect; I am weak, but I know that with The True GOD and with the help of my brothers and sisters, I can make it through the difficult times and attain sobriety and freedom.” Every Niggah, Negro, Black man and woman, Black teenager and child must make this declaration and commit to change. Just like alcoholics, all will not come to get cleaned up and sober; many will continue to drink from the well of degraded and lost souls, however as the number of free and liberated increase and show the new way and the new path and accept the new system of self-realization and governance, there will be no hiding place except on the plantation for those misguided, inebriated Negroes who still love to wear the brand and mark of their elected and selected masters and lords. Eventually, they will die there as slaves while the others sojourn to the land of freedom and equality that will enable us to rise to the level of superiority as the true and chosen Children of Israel and the Most High GOD, Jehovah, Yaweh, Elohim, Eloha, Allahu, El, etc.

In order to protect the soft fruit that is born again and returned and restored to his and her proper place in creation, the Newbians must have a system in place that fosters proper growth and development. This requires the soldiers to form a ring of defense within the lands so that the fragile fruit can be protected and safeguarded from corruption and destruction. All of the weapons used to destroy the Newbians must be removed from the lands where Newbians dwell and only the trained soldiers should be allowed access to weapons. All of the diseases that infect and affect the Newbians must be removed and this requires a change in diet and consumption. All of the wants and desires have to change as the access to promiscuity and all of the evils that plague the Newbians has to be restricted until such time that the brains, hearts and souls of the Newbians have been reoriented into righteousness and have lost the taste and inclination toward all of these evils that have been forced down the throats and injected into the veins of the former Negro slaves. Everything must change and not a trace of the former Niggerisms should remain as a weed or seed waiting to take root and sprout and thus destroy the Garden and those that dwell in it and partake from it. We need to clean house, but before the house is cleaned, we need to clean the cleaners of the house. We need internal change that will sustain and maintain and endure the external changes.

This is the only way to survive and to change our condition as a people. We may individually have successes but our people, our entire race will not ever become free and liberated unless we make an exodus from the old self and traverse the Red Sea into the new selves that GOD has promised and prepared for us. No longer can we put all of the burdens on Jesus as if he and his blood are going to make us into super beings without any responsibility or accountability. The White man gave us this drug to make us lazy and shiftless welfare recipients. We wait and pray to Jesus and we look for some chariot to swing low and to come and carry us home; no other people in America have this expectation! Everyone else comes here with a plan to be successful and to work and establish their selves, their nation and their culture in the land. We are the only ones who hate ourselves and do not even know where we come from and thus we have no home, flag, culture or language that represents us when we stand on the shoulder of United Nations. We must always take a back seat as second and third class servants to the same master that enslaved us and thus we represent his and her flag and wave it proudly as we are seen as we always have been, slave master’s representatives on his plantation with permission to speak and dress appropriately. Nothing we have is our own and everything we have is his. This must change if we are to wake up and leave this bed of vipers and demonism.

The Road To Reparations is not an easy road to travel but it is a necessary one if we want true freedom and liberty. We don’t care about justice! To demand justice and equality puts us on the plantation and in the plantation mindset as we hold someone else already above us and superior to us. If we ask someone for justice it means that they have the power to be unjust to us. If we ask for equality then it means that they are superior to and above us and we are begging for them to lower themselves to our status so we can be equal to them. We do not need their system that holds us to be less than human and we do not need to be equal to them. We need to be able to self-guide, self-realize, self-determine, self-evolve, and self-establish through self-recreation. Everything they have given us, including their names of their fathers and ancestors, their social security numbers and identifications must be destroyed and replaced. As long as we wear the mark of the beast, we are property of the beast and we must do the beast’s bidding.

The Road To Reparations is a road that is hard to navigate and hard to remain loyal to. Everyone will want to return to Egypt and to live under Pharaoh and his gods at some point, and when the going gets tough. Well the going is going to be tough from day one! We must get our minds and hearts wrapped around this. If not, we can return to the status of swine and remain an ignorant species on the plantation of those who, at will, show us that we mean nothing and we have no true power and that Black lives only matter when they say they do. Those who want better have to make sacrifices and give up a lot of poisons that have been inbred in us by White people and by our parents and ancestors. Our parents made us eat from the forbidden fruit and to take the mark of the beast because they valued life over death and annihilation, so they fed us to the beast in hopes that one day there would arise out of us a Messenger, a Prophet, a Savior, a Deliverer like unto Moses. So many have come and so many, like the Prophets of old, have been discredited, hanged, lynched, shot, murdered, assassinated, beaten, exported, or disappeared. We can name all of the movements and the leaders of them but we cannot find a single solution that is working to set us free and liberate us from oppression and tyranny of our evil rulers. 400 years and counting and all we have are some homes and cars and the ability to go to school and to marry any race of people. After 400 years and counting we still don’t know who we are, where we come from, why we are here, what our plans are, and who are leaders are. We are lost and astray, although we have individual goals to achieve. Always a token Negro in the crowd or company or club or corporation but never a race that is evolved into superiority. We can only congregate to play games or instruments, or to make believe on stage or the screen, but when our realities are at hand and tantamount of importance to validate and sustain, we are commanded to disperse and return to our homes and get lulled back to sleep. No movement lasts forever with us and thus we return to be the branded sheep of our shepherd, and as long as he looks and walks and talks like Jesus, we find nothing wrong with being sheep until the shepherd needs to slaughter and thin the herd. We must change! We must!

The Road To Reparations has to be a walk that each African-American takes as a person, married couple, and family. If we all walk, they cannot and will not come against all of us. They seek out leaders that they can bribe or catch slipping or sleeping around, or drug or intoxicate, or simply murder. However, if we are all the leaders and responsible for carrying out this mission, they will not come against all of us and they will not and cannot defeat all of us.

Will there be spies and dissenters paid to join the ranks and cause corruption and confusion? Of course, The Devil and the serpent are always lurking in the Garden. We must remain true to GOD in order to overcome Satan and to defeat evil. We must stick to the plan and risk it all in the name of GOD if we are to be victorious. We must constantly rehearse the plan and renew our minds and spirits so that when we become weak and are ready to go back to Egypt, we have to remember what Pharaoh has done to us and our ancestors and fore-parents and what he will do to us for having left or tried to leave in the first place. GOD will see us through it all and HE will part the Red Sea for us and allow us safe passage if we believe and truly want Him and His ways to be ours.

So where do we start? We start with:

  • Identity. Newbians! New Beings! Newbians! No male or female gender qualifiers; just Newbians.
  • Then we must stop using profanity! We must stop cursing for no reason and making it our language. The gutter is not where we dwell and so we must stop using gutter language.
  • Hating! We must stop hating on each other. Sisters must stop hating other sisters who are just as lost as they are, with White people mentalities covered by the ignorance of GOD and the true self. Likewise for the brothers who have been given colors to wear and then use those colors as reasons to hate and kill one another must stop.
  • Gangs must be eliminated completely as we evolve into one nation of Newbians.
  • Weapons of destruction must be confiscated and placed in an armory to be used by trained soldiers and the Newbian police force that will protect the Newbian community.
  • Drugs and alcohol of all kind must be eliminated. We cannot defeat an enemy when we are high and drunk. You cannot even operate a vehicle when high or drunk and this vehicle that GOD gave us requires our sober attention. No drugs or alcoholic beverage consumption!
  • Water! We must bottle and filter our own water and drink it. Nothing living can survive without water and they are controlling the water and slowly poisoning us. Remember Michigan? They are not hiding their diabolical deeds. Control water and drink plenty of it!
  • Diet! We have to stop eating the GMO, pork, fat, grease, sugars and crazy and valueless foods, the food of those who have overtly planned to destroy us. We must change our own diets and stay away from everything they mass produce for us, including their fast foods.
  • Exercise! We must engage in exercise every day of the week. If the sun rises and sets, we must rise and set as well. We cannot take days off. At least one hour a day and we will become healthy people eventually.
  • Goals! We must have universal goals that we all agree upon and we must stick with them at all costs. We cannot deviate from our goals or get distracted or fall weak.
  • Relationships! We must get married! We cannot be whores, pimps and hustlers and have all of these baby mamas and baby daddies running around. We have to raise our children together and operate as a family. The slave masters destroyed and separated our families and now we are continuing this pattern without any participation from him and her.
  • Gays and Lesbians! We cannot do anything about this at the moment but we need all hands on deck. Eventually, when we recreate and become who we are supposed to be and get rid of all the poisons and toxins and trauma that have been inflicted on our spirits and connect with our One and Only and True God, He will set us straight and give us what we need to fulfill His Will on Earth as it is written in Heaven. The LGBTQ community must also get married and not be promiscuous.
  • Modesty! All men and women must be modest and not look like a bunch of whores and pimps and people without self-respect, etiquette and human decency. As Churches have lowered their standards and permitted skirts to rise, cleavage to show, pants to sag, and all sorts of ungodliness to enter the Church, and as the mosques and temples are following suit in fear of losing their flock and the monetary donations that come from the “come as you are”, we have to elevate to king, queen, prince and princess statuses and act like the people of GOD and not the people of Satan. We must be modest leaders of the world.

These are things we can do at home and without too much supervision. Again, it is not going to be easy to change over night. This may take some longer than others but together we will achieve success as a race. Each one must help to empower the other. Hold that tongue; put down that bottle or can or glass or cup of alcohol; throw away that weed and cocaine and meth and heroin; stop taking those pills, even the prescribed ones! No animal on the planet takes pills unless the animal is owned by a human being. The reason you take pills is because you are owned by a human being. We have to return to GOD and He will guide and heal and cure us. We must remind each other and encourage each other! We must be patient and tolerant of each other and our weaknesses, We will not all be strong which is why we have to work together in order to build the Ark that will allow all of us to come in two-by-two numbers; all makes and models of who we are and what we have become after 400 plus years of trauma, chattel slavery and human degradation. We must love each and every one of us and pray for each and every one of us and help each and every one of us. We cannot leave a single soul behind.

Others will want to join us and try to help us but they cannot because, unless they have a history of slavery under the WHITE PEOPLE OF AMERICA, THEY HAVE NO DNA THAT ALLOWS THEM TO FULLY UNDERSTAND OUR PLIGHT AND OUR PURPOSE AND MISSION.

This does not mean that we destroy relationships and friendships, but it means that we anchor in and become aware and purposeful. The friends will invite us to be the old us, to drink and party and club and to waste all of that money on foolishness while our nation and people remain at the bottom of the pile of races in America. We have to be strong and committed but polite in telling them that we are transforming. A butterfly makes no excuses when going into the cocoon.

What about mixed and interracial marriages? The spouses that are Newbians must remain committed to being born again. Any person that truly loves another will want him or her to find his or her self. They would encourage and other stuff, so they have to respect this sojourn and allow the lost person to be found. An ounce or drop of Black makes you Black in America; don’t change the formula and equation now! All persons with Black blood and heritage must make the journey or stay where they are.

Mixed children must fill in the gaps where they are missing heritage and identity. If any mixed race kid is confused about his or her identity because of decisions his or her parents made, the child must connect with the Newbian mindset and discover the Newbian side of his or her heritage. Or not! It is not a requirement to travel down the Road To Reparations! Only those who see to be repaired and restored are encouraged to make the journey and to come out whole and cleansed of all filth and human indecency, lack of knowledge, and the propensity for corruption and evil.

This is Phase One and it is to be implemented immediately upon taking the oath, purchasing the shoes, and putting the individual footsteps on the Road To Reparations. Every person has to become a registered member so we can keep track of our nation as it grows and then we can assign helpers in the same locale to assist with the support required to make the transition and transformation. New Beings! Newbians! This is our calling! This is GOD’s calling!

What we must realize is that the Slave masters brought many tribes of various skills and abilities together and crossbred them, creating us. We are hybrid Africans and then we mixed with Indians, French, Irish, Portuguese, Spaniards, German, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Arab, and all sorts of races, making us the most unique people on the planet. They know this and have been watching us for centuries. The more we mix, the more we forget about who we are and we begin to claim the other heritages. The more we claim to be someone else, the more distant we are from discovering who we truly are. This is why we must become Newbians and shake-off all of the distractions and return to our true place in GOD’s creation. We must leave the color behind and find out who we are and become the people of GOD. Everything else has failed us but GOD will never fail us if we stop failing Him. New Beings! Newbians!

Register online and put your feet on the Road To Reparations. Make your mark in the dirt! Be counted among the people of change!
