I am one of the millions of African-Americans who believe in and want Reparations from my government, the United States of America. The Reparations are to be paid for the years of slavery under which crimes, violations of human and civil rights, and injustices were committed by free Americans and White and European descent slave owners who formed the government and established institutions that benefitted from slavery, free labor, free child care, and a plethora of advantages that made them rich and generationally wealthy. Slavery gave them a position of greatness and leadership in the world. Topped by decades of continued racism, denial of civil and human rights, redlining, discrimination, police and citizen brutality, terrorism, and physical, mental and spiritual abuse that created generations of suppressed freedoms and destroyed dreams, the Reparations are sought as a means of coming to terms with the truth of the factual past actions of my country, America, and its White, European citizens’ mistreatment of the Black, Negro, Colored, African-American and African citizens of the United States.


I hereby and therefore, freely and purposefully sign this petition without coercion, and without any promise except that my country, the United States of America, sweet land of liberty, home of the free and the brave, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all, will honor and fulfill its promise made in 1865 to pay Reparations to the freed, African slaves.